Third Eye Forest
Tillandsia Cacticola
Tillandsia Cacticola
Family: Bromeliaceae
Genus: Tillandsia
Origin: Endemic to high altitudes of Peru
Form/Color: Cacticola is a rare species from the high Andes of Peru often seen clinging to rocks or old trees and cliffsides. They are medium sized reaching around 12 inches with a beautiful soft purple and white flower spike that extends up to a 12 inches as well. Lovely soft leaves with tiny hairs all over, almost like velvet.
Water Requirements: Daily misting outdoors is optimal, they are sensitive to rot in high humidity and heat but are fairly hardy for being so soft leaved. If growing indoors I keep them on the dryer side with weekly misting or water baths. Do not water when the sun is hot on them or leave them sitting in water for too long.
Mounting: Great for hanging baskets , driftwood, tree and rock mounting. They tend to form upright clumps or trail off of the sides of planters.
Growing Tips: Best suited for soft to high natural light and shaded areas. They can handle full sun better than many species.